Retinal Tear Procedures
You do not need a complex retinal surgery in Chicago for a primary retinal tear with no detachment. An ophthalmic surgeon can seal the tear with cryopexy or correct it through laser surgery. The surgeon will direct a laser beam into your eye during laser surgery or photo coagulation. He/she will direct the beam through the pupil. The laser beam burns the area around the retinal tear. The scarred tissue welds the retina to the underlying tissue.
The ophthalmic surgeons use a freezing probe during cryopexy. This procedure requires the use of anesthesia. The surgeon uses this probe onto the outer surface of the eyes and onto the tear. The freezing generates a larger amount of scar tissue to attach retinal tear to the surface.
Retinal Detachment Procedures
The detached retina requires complicated surgical corrections within a few weeks after the diagnosis.
Pneumatic Retinopexy
This particular retinal surgery in Chicago requires the injection of gas bubble inside the eyes’ vitreous space. The surgeon may combine the pneumatic Retinopexy with cryopexy or laser surgery. The injected gas bubble presses the retinal tear against the back-wall of the eye. The flow of fluid behind the retina stops due to this pressing. The collected fluid is absorbed simultaneously. The retina adheres to the ocular wall after a few days. The patient needs to place his/her head in a certain position during this period to prevent the bubble from moving.
Scleral Buckle
The Scleral buckle is a flexible band. The ophthalmic surgeons use this buckle during the retinal surgery in Chicago. The surgeons place this buckle around the eyes to counteract the pulling force. This force pulls the torn retinal out of its place and results in complete detachment. The ophthalmic surgeon needs to drain the liquid from under the detached retina. The drainage of fluid allows the retina to settle back into its original position with no obstruction.
The vitreous gel pulls at the retinal tear. It is necessary to remove the fluid with retinal surgery in Chicago at the earliest possibility. The ophthalmic surgeon draws the vitreous fluid out in Vitrectomy. The surgeons usually replace the gel with a gas bubble or an oil bubble. This bubble does not pull the torn retina away from its place. It puts pressure on the retina and allows it to heal. The body’s natural fluid starts replacing the bubble after a few days’ time. To read more Click Here